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I take photos. I also tend to hang out at cafés a lot, reading or working. I wander the city trying to go places I haven't been and I document what interests me. Mostly of streets, buildings, places, details, situations and whatnot.


My day job is head of product for news and sports at SVT interactive in Stockholm, Sweden. 


Originally I'm a trained architect and designer from Chalmers in Göteborg and The Bartlett in London who's been working with web and interactive productions since the mid 90's. During the London years the web happened, it was obvious it was going to change everything and no way I would not be part of that. In the late 90’s I also explored virtual and augmented reality, visualisations, 3D and haptic interfaces at Chalmers Medialab.


Since then it's pretty much been public service broadcaster SVT in a number of roles, but always online development and media.


My professional CV is right here.





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